We are a small branch of a big brand, specialized in finding the best solution that meets customer’s needs. We have a corporate opportunity, but commitment and personality of a small company.
Our concept is to be a united and well-functioning team, where all brokers are specialists in their field. This concept has brought awards and recognition both within the company and from our customers and partners.
We innovate with our ideas and approaches to ensure the best output for our clients’ real estate. Our brokers are smiling and thinking with the client.
We like what we do and what we do, we do well!
Brokers’ contacts

Priit Mäeorg

Margus Mölder

Elar Toomsalu
Uus Maa Pluss partners
We are happy that we have gathered many good partnerships over various projects.
Contact now
Client feedback
Our driving force are our values and their core has always been customer satisfaction. Our goal is always to provide our customers with more value than anyone else. That’s why customer feedback is vital to us.
Järgmise kinnisvaratehinguni!
Koostöö alguses sai tegevusplaan ning selged ootused paika pandud, mida Priit järgis perfektsuseni. Tunnetas väga hästi, millist infot koheselt jagada, kuidas ootuspäraselt protsessi juhtida ning kogu raske töö vaevaks müük pakkumushinnaga.
Kudos, Priit! Järgmise kinnisvaratehinguni!
Erik Oja
Kindlasti soovitan teistelegi!
Tema kogemused ja professionaalsus aitavad Teil paika panna kogu plaani, mis on vajalik, et jõuaksite eduka müügi- või üüritehinguni. Priidu suurepärane turu tunnetus ja suhtlemisoskus ostjate/üürijatega aitasid minul tehingusse jõuda lühikese ajaga. Kasutasin Priidu abi, koostöö sujus, kindlasti soovitan teistelegi ja ka tulevikus usaldaksin oma kinnisvaratehingud tema kätesse!
Vaido Veek
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